Welcome to my recipe collection.

These recipes offer a delicious mix of new and old world flavors. From the kitchens of my mother and grandmother in Transylvania to the new fusion mixes from my home kitchen in Canada. I have been inspired by the fickle tastes of my children ( vegetarian, pescatarian or whichever way the wind may blow) and my desire to become healthier without compromising taste. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Leave me comments and your favorite recipes!

Thursday, April 05, 2012


I always associated lamb soup with the arrival of Spring.  The taste of young lamb meat and fresh tarragon combined it brings me still the feeling of renewal, new start, sunshine and happiness.  

1kg- bony part of the lamb (neck, tail etc)
1 tbsp fresh tarragon (1/2 tbsp dried tarragon)
Salt and pepper
1 tbsp flour
Egg (optional)
Vinegar (vinegar with tarragon if you have)
Sour cream (to serve)

Wash lamb meat and place in a large soup pot. Cover the meat with water. Add tarragon, salt and pepper. Cook over low heat until the meat is cooked through. While the meat is cooking, mix together 1tbsp flour with enough water to create a smooth paste. A raw egg may be added at this step (optional). Slow add some of the hot liquid from the soup to the mixture and stir. Add enough liquid to dilute the paste completely. Once the meat is cooked add the flour/milk mixture to the pot and bring the soup to a boil. Add some vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Serve with sour cream.

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