Welcome to my recipe collection.

These recipes offer a delicious mix of new and old world flavors. From the kitchens of my mother and grandmother in Transylvania to the new fusion mixes from my home kitchen in Canada. I have been inspired by the fickle tastes of my children ( vegetarian, pescatarian or whichever way the wind may blow) and my desire to become healthier without compromising taste. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Leave me comments and your favorite recipes!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Plugor Katatol, Svedorszag

175- gr margarint meg kell olvasztani a kalyhan ,bele kell tenni 100 gr fözö csokoladet , hogy az is olvadjon el. Amikor elolvadt le kell venni a kalyharol es bele kell kavarni : 1 ,5 dl finom lisztet , 2, 5 dl cukrot , egy kaveskanal vaniliat 2 egesz tojast es 10 dkg vagott diot vagy mogyorot. Jol össze kell kavarni es kicsi alluminium formakba kell rakni ( kb 18 drb lessz egy adagbol ) 200 fokon a lerben közepen kell sutni 10 percig .Nagyon egyszeru es finom

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